Copertine Ebook Perfette con Canva: Guida Passo dopo Passo per Aspiranti AutoriAspiranti autori, Autopubblicazione, Canva, Copertine ebook, Creatività visiva, Creazione copertine, Design grafico, Editoria digitale, Grafica digitale, Guida passo dopo passo

Perfect Ebook Covers with Canva: Step by Step Guide for Aspiring Authors

Welcome to the section dedicated to the world of graphics and digital publishing! If you have chosen to change and create covers for 400k digital Ebooks, this is a simple and effective way to create eye-catching covers for your ebooks, you are in the right place. Today we will explore together the potential of Canva, a versatile and intuitive online tool that will allow you to bring your ideas to life quickly and professionally.

The cover of an ebook is the digital showcase of your work, an opportunity to capture readers' attention and convey the essence of your story. With Canva, even non-designers can create stunning covers without having to invest a fortune in complicated software or hire a professional designer. By navigating together through this guide, you will learn step by step how to make the most of Canva's features to bring your ideas to life and create ebook covers that stand out on the digital shelf.

From captivating images to color combinations, from suggestive typography to the arrangement of elements, we will explore together all the details that make a cover effective and visually appealing. Follow our practical advice and detailed tutorials, and you'll soon master using Canva to create ebook covers that will win the hearts of your readers.

Get ready to explore the world of digital graphics with excitement, creativity, and the ease of use of Canva. Let your ebook cover editing journey begin!

To begin, I invite you to look at the Canva presentation drawn up by the undersigned at this LINK

Well! Now I will show you how to create a cover to use as the main image of a sales announcement or to integrate into a book you are editing in Kindle Create

Step 1: Canva Home page go to search bar and write book cover and submit

Step 2: You will enter the work area. In the bar on the left you will find all the tools for working (templates, text, etc.) and in the central screen the work area.


Step 3: Now choose the template in the toolbar based on the book you are editing

Step 4: In this example I chose Travel and then Vacations. I would like to make a note on the various models. Those marked with the crown are part of the premium annual subscription which costs €109. If you are not a subscriber you will only be able to use the free ones that do not have the crown.

Step 5: When once you have finished editing, go to share, a drop-down menu will open, choose download and first choose the JPG format for the image to place in an ad, repeat if you need to add a page in Kindle Create and download in PDF.


I hope I have been of help to you and I wish you good work and much success!

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